Atlas access

Each VoxelBrain atlas is a collection of volumetric datasets defining some values in space + definition of brain regions hierarchy.

Let us describe how to access these data using voxcell.

Volumetric datasets

Volumetric datasets are stored in VoxelBrain in NRRD format, which is basically a grid of values for each voxel + some metadata defining voxel size and location in the global atlas space.

The values stored in volumetric datasets could be Scalar Image File Format (e.g., brain region ID, cell density); as well as vector (e.g., morphology orientation OrientationField).

voxcell provides VoxelData class for transparent access to these files.

>> from voxcell import VoxelData
>> vd = VoxelData.load_nrrd(<path-to-NRRD>)

Under the hood VoxelData is a combination of:

\((N + K)\)-dimensional NumPy array, where first \(N\) dimensions are spatial ones; and last \(K\) – payload ones.
In our case \(N = 3\); and K ranges from \(0\) for scalar values to \(2\) for rotation matrices.
1D NumPy array of length \(N\) defining sides of each voxel.
NB: despite the naming, the values here could be negative, since they encode also axis direction.

1D NumPy array of length \(N\) defining XYZ-position of the “lower left” corner of voxel \((0,..., 0)\)

Once VoxelData is instantiated, the most typical operation is querying values for given XYZ-position(s):

# Lookup value for a single position
>> value = vd.lookup([1., 2., 3.])

# Lookup value for an array of positions
>> values = vd.lookup([[1., 2., 3], [4., 5. 6.]])

If some of the coordinates are outside of volumetric dataset domain, VoxcellError would be raised. Alternatively, one can provide outer_value optional argument to return a stub value for such coordinates:

>> vd.lookup(xyz, outer_value=-1)


voxcell provides this subclass of VoxelData for transparently converting quaternions stored in orientation fields to rotation matrices form.

Thus, given a NRRD in the Orientation Field File Format, one can:

>> from voxcell import OrientationField
>> of = OrientationField.load_nrrd(<path-to-NRRD>)
>> of.lookup(xyz)  # returns `xyz.shape` x 3 x 3 array with orientation matrices


voxcell provides this subclass of VoxelData for transparently loading masks and converting values from int8 or uint8 to bool.

Thus, given a NRRD in the specific Mask Image for Region of Interest (ROI), one can:

>> from voxcell import ROIMask
>> data = ROIMask.load_nrrd(<path-to-NRRD>)
>> data.lookup(xyz)  # return array with boolean values

Brain region hierarchy

Brain region IDs are organized into hierarchy (for instance, CA region in Hippocampus consists of CA1, CA2 and CA3).

This hierarchy, along with different fields for each region, is stored in a JSON file of the following form (full example could be found here):

    "id" : 382,
    "acronym" : "CA1a",
    "name": "Field CA1",
    "children" : [ {
      "id" : 391,
      "acronym" : "CA1slm"
      "name": "Field CA1, stratum lacunosum-moleculare"
    }, {
      "id" : 399,
      "acronym" : "CA1so"
      "name": "Field CA1, stratum oriens"
    }, {
      "id" : 407,
      "acronym" : "CA1sp"
      "name": "Field CA1, pyramidal layer",
      "id" : 415,
      "acronym" : "CA1sr",
      "name": "Field CA1, stratum radiatum"

voxcell provides the RegionMap class for transparent access to these files.


This interface replaces the historical Hierarchy which has been removed in the voxcell version 3.0.0.

One can use the load_json method to load hierarchy file and instantiate a RegionMap object.

from voxcell import RegionMap
region_map = RegionMap.load_json('<path-to-JSON>')
# Or you can instantiate directly from a nested directory :
region_map = RegionMap.from_dict(hierarchy_dict)

Each element stored in RegionMap stores the attributes from the corresponding JSON part.

Then you can use this object to retrieve information from the hierarchy :

>> region_map.get(382, "name")
   'Field CA1'

With 382 being the Allen Brain id for the ‘CA1’.

With this function, you can also retrieve the name field for all the parent regions :

>> region_map.get(382, "name", with_ascendants=True)
['Field CA1', "Ammon's horn", 'Hippocampal region', 'Hippocampal formation',
'Cortical plate', 'Cerebral cortex', 'Cerebrum']

This means the ‘Field CA1’ is included in the ‘Ammon’s horn’, itself included in the ‘Hippocampal region’ etc…

You can also retrieve an ID using a any kind of field. If you know the acronym of the CA1, then you can use it to get the CA1 ID :

>> region_map.find('CA1', "acronym")

You can also mix everything to retrieve information using something else than the id :

>> region_map.get(region_map.find('Field CA1', "name").pop(), "acronym")

You can also check if a brain region possesses a brain sub-region or not :

>> region_map.is_leaf_id(382)
>> region_map.is_leaf_id(399)

Fetching data

When working with a VoxelBrain atlas, there is no need to instanstiate VoxelData directly.

voxcell provides Atlas class to transparently fetch data from VoxelBrain in the form of VoxelData objects.

For instance,

>> from import Atlas
>> atlas =

cache_dir specifies where NRRD and JSON files would be stored. Once they are fetched, they would be reused later without redownloading again. A subfolder with atlas ID (for instance, 568F4549-82D2-464F-9844-C163FA0C8F8A) would be created in cache_dir.


At the moment the caching is implemented in a naive way. We assume that each VoxelBrain atlas is immutable; and thus once some dataset is fetched and stored locally, we won’t check for updates or invalidate the cache. To invalidate the cache manually, just remove the corresponding the folder with atlas ID from the cache folder.

By checking the list stored for this atlas, we can see that there are brain_regions, longitude and orientation.

We can load any of those with:

>> brain_regions = atlas.load_data('brain_regions')
>> longitude = atlas.load_data('longitude')

as well as brain region map :

>> region_map = atlas.load_region_map()

By default, VoxelData class is used for loading NRRD. To change it to OrientationField, please specify it with:

>> from voxcell import OrientationField
>> orientation = atlas.load_data('orientation', cls=OrientationField)

Locally-stored atlas

For development purposes one can use a locally-stored “atlas”, which is simply a folder with a collection of NRRD files + JSON file with brain region hierarchy.

For instance:

$ ls -1 /gpfs/


In this case there is no need to specify cache-dir when instantiating Atlas:

>> from import Atlas

>> atlas ='/gpfs/')

>> region_map = atlas.load_region_map()
>> brain_regions = atlas.load_data('brain_regions')