Source code for voxcell.math_utils

"""Helper mathematical functions."""

import functools
import math

import numpy as np
from scipy.spatial.transform import Rotation

[docs] def gcd(a, b): """Return greatest common divisor.""" return math.gcd(a, b)
[docs] def lcm(a, b): """Return lowest common multiple.""" return a * b // gcd(a, b)
# TODO consider making this a np ufunc
[docs] def lcmm(args): """Return lcm of args.""" return functools.reduce(lcm, args)
[docs] def minimum_aabb(mask): """Calculate the minimum axis-aligned bounding box for a volume mask. Returns: A tuple containing the minimum x,y,z and maximum x,y,z """ idx = np.nonzero(mask) return np.min(idx, axis=1), np.max(idx, axis=1)
[docs] def positions_minimum_aabb(positions): """Calculate the minimum axis-aligned bounding box for a list of positions. Returns: A tuple containing the minimum x,y,z and maximum x,y,z """ return np.min(positions, axis=0), np.max(positions, axis=0)
[docs] def clip(mask, aabb): """Take a numpy array and clip it to an axis-aligned bounding box. Args: mask: numpy array aabb: tuple of two sets of coordinates indicating, respectively, the lowest and highest values for each dimension Returns: A new numpy array containing the same values as mask for the space defined by aabb """ idx = tuple(slice(s, e + 1) for s, e in zip(*aabb)) return mask[idx].copy()
[docs] def is_diagonal(matrix): """Check if the matrix is diagonal.""" return np.all(matrix == np.diag(matrix.diagonal()))
[docs] def angles_to_matrices(angles, axis): """Convert rotation angles around `axis` to 3x3 rotation matrices. Args: angles: (N,) array of rotation angles (radian) axis: one of ('x', 'y', 'z') Returns: (N, 3, 3) array of rotation matrices. """ return Rotation.from_euler(axis, angles).as_matrix()
[docs] def normalize(vs): """Normalize array along last axis.""" norm = np.linalg.norm(vs, axis=-1) norm = np.where(norm > 0, norm, 1.0) return vs / norm[..., np.newaxis]
[docs] def isin(a, values): """Naive NumPy.isin analogue. For our usecases (>10^9 non-unique elements in `a`, <10^2 unique elements in tested `values`), NumPy.isin() takes same amount of time, but is 3x more memory-hungry. """ a = np.asarray(a) result = np.full_like(a, False, dtype=bool) for v in set(values): result |= (a == v) return result
[docs] def euler2mat(az, ay, ax): """Build 3x3 rotation matrices from az, ay, ax rotation angles (in that order). Args: az: rotation angles around Z (Nx1 NumPy array; radians) ay: rotation angles around Y (Nx1 NumPy array; radians) ax: rotation angles around X (Nx1 NumPy array; radians) Returns: List with 3x3 rotation matrices corresponding to each of N angle triplets. See Also: (R = X1 * Y2 * Z3) """ c1, s1 = np.cos(ax), np.sin(ax) c2, s2 = np.cos(ay), np.sin(ay) c3, s3 = np.cos(az), np.sin(az) mm = np.array([ [c2 * c3, -c2 * s3, s2], [c1 * s3 + c3 * s1 * s2, c1 * c3 - s1 * s2 * s3, -c2 * s1], [s1 * s3 - c1 * c3 * s2, c3 * s1 + c1 * s2 * s3, c1 * c2], ]) return np.asarray([mm[..., i] for i in range(len(az))])
[docs] def mat2euler(mm): """Decompose 3x3 rotation matrices into az, ay, ax rotation angles (in that order). Args: List with 3x3 rotation matrices. Returns: az: rotation angles around Z (Nx1 NumPy array; radians) ay: rotation angles around Y (Nx1 NumPy array; radians) ax: rotation angles around X (Nx1 NumPy array; radians) See Also: (R = X1 * Y2 * Z3) """ assert len(mm.shape) == 3 assert tuple(mm.shape[1:]) == (3, 3) az = np.full(mm.shape[0], np.nan) ay = np.full(mm.shape[0], np.nan) ax = np.full(mm.shape[0], np.nan) sin_ay = mm[:, 0, 2] mask1 = np.isclose(sin_ay, 1.0) az[mask1] = 0.0 ay[mask1] = np.pi / 2 ax[mask1] = np.arctan2(mm[:, 1, 0][mask1], mm[:, 1, 1][mask1]) mask2 = np.isclose(sin_ay, -1.0) az[mask2] = 0.0 ay[mask2] = -np.pi / 2 ax[mask2] = np.arctan2(-mm[:, 1, 0][mask2], mm[:, 1, 1][mask2]) mask3 = np.logical_not(np.logical_or(mask1, mask2)) az[mask3] = np.arctan2(-mm[:, 0, 1][mask3], mm[:, 0, 0][mask3]) ay[mask3] = np.arcsin(sin_ay[mask3]) ax[mask3] = np.arctan2(-mm[:, 1, 2][mask3], mm[:, 2, 2][mask3]) assert not np.any(np.isnan(az)) assert not np.any(np.isnan(ay)) assert not np.any(np.isnan(ax)) return (az, ay, ax)
[docs] def voxel_intersection(line_segment, data, return_sub_segments=False): """Find voxels intersected by a given segment and cut the segment according to these voxels. Args: line_segment: The segment with the following form: [[x0, y0, z0], [x1, y1, z1]]. data: The VoxelData object. return_sub_segments: If true the sub segments are also returned with the voxel indices. Returns: List of 3D indices. If `return_sub_segments` is `True`, the coordinates of the sub-segment points are returned. """ # pylint: disable=too-many-locals # If the segment is outside the bounding box, then it does not intersect any voxels. if (line_segment < data.bbox).all() or (line_segment >= data.bbox).all(): seg_point_indices = np.zeros((0, 3), dtype=np.result_type(0)) if return_sub_segments: return seg_point_indices, np.reshape(line_segment, (1, -1)) return seg_point_indices # The segment is clipped inside the global bbox. clipped_line_segment = np.clip( line_segment, a_min=data.bbox[0], a_max=np.nextafter(data.bbox[1], data.bbox[1] - 1), ) start_pt, end_pt = clipped_line_segment def get_intersections(dst1, dst2): """Compute intersection point.""" same_sign = np.sign(dst1) == np.sign(dst2) coplanar = (dst1 == 0) & (dst2 == 0) denomimator = dst2 - dst1 denomimator = np.where(denomimator == 0, np.nan, denomimator) f = np.where(same_sign | coplanar, np.nan, -dst1 / denomimator) # Return the hit position. return start_pt + (end_pt - start_pt) * f[:, np.newaxis] # Compute the actual bbox of the segment bbox = np.sort(data.positions_to_indices(clipped_line_segment), axis=0) # Get the coordinates of the planes between voxels planes = [data.offset[i] + np.arange(bbox[0, i], bbox[1, i] + 1) * data.voxel_dimensions[i] for i in range(3)] # Get the coordinates of the intersection points seg_points = np.vstack( [get_intersections(start_pt[i] - planes[i], end_pt[i] - planes[i]) for i in range(3)] ) # Build the sub-segment coordinate array seg_points = seg_points[~np.isnan(seg_points).all(axis=1)] seg_points = np.unique(seg_points, axis=0) # Check how the points are ordered along each axis xyz_ascending = np.sign(end_pt - start_pt) # Remove duplicated points when the extremities of the segment are on a voxel boundary, except # if they are in the ascending quadrant. new_pts = [seg_points] if xyz_ascending.sum() >= 0: new_pts = new_pts + [end_pt] seg_pt_start = (seg_points == start_pt).all(axis=1) if ( not seg_pt_start.any() and not any(len(planes[i]) > 1 and (start_pt[i] == planes[i]).any() for i in range(3)) ): new_pts = [start_pt] + new_pts else: new_pts = [start_pt] + new_pts seg_pt_end = (seg_points == end_pt).all(axis=1) if ( not seg_pt_end.any() and not any(len(planes[i]) > 1 and (end_pt[i] == planes[i]).any() for i in range(3)) ): new_pts = new_pts + [end_pt] # Build the sub-segment points seg_points = np.vstack(new_pts) # Sort the sub-segment points so their order is consistent with the given segment, i.e. the # first point is the start point, the second pt is the closest to the start pt, etc. ind = np.lexsort((seg_points[:, 0], seg_points[:, 1], seg_points[:, 2])) if not ( xyz_ascending[0] == 1 or (xyz_ascending[0] == 0 and xyz_ascending[1] == 1) or (xyz_ascending[0] == 0 and xyz_ascending[1] == 0 and xyz_ascending[2] == 1) ): ind = ind[::-1] seg_points = seg_points[ind, :] # Find the intersection indices seg_point_indices = data.positions_to_indices((seg_points[:-1, :] + seg_points[1:, :]) / 2.) if return_sub_segments: sub_segments = np.hstack([seg_points[:-1], seg_points[1:]]) return seg_point_indices, sub_segments return seg_point_indices