Source code for voxcell.region_map

"""Region hierarchy tree."""

import copy
import json
import logging
import re

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

from voxcell.exceptions import VoxcellError

L = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs] class Matcher: """Helper class for value search.""" def __init__(self, value, ignore_case=False): """Init Matcher.""" self.value = value if isinstance(value, str): self.ignore_case = ignore_case if value.startswith("@"): self.value = re.compile(value[1:], re.IGNORECASE if ignore_case else 0) else: if ignore_case: L.warning("Not a string value; ignoring 'ignore_case' flag") def __call__(self, value): """Return True if the given value matches.""" if hasattr(self.value, 'match'): return bool( if isinstance(value, str) and self.ignore_case: return self.value.upper() == value.upper() return self.value == value
[docs] class RegionMap: """Region ID <-> attribute mapping.""" def __init__(self): """Init RegionMap.""" self._data = {} self._children = {} self._parent = {}
[docs] def get(self, _id, attr, with_ascendants=False): """Get attribute value associated with region ID. Args: _id (int): region ID of interest attr (str): attribute of interest with_ascendants (bool): collect attribute value upwards the "lineage" Returns: - if `with_ascendants=False`: attribute value for given region ID - otherwise: list of values starting from the "bottom" hierarchy level towards "top" Raises: - VoxcellError if either region ID or attribute key are can not be found Example: >>> rmap.get(315, 'name') 'Isocortex' """ if with_ascendants: return [self._get(k, attr) for k in self._ascendants(_id)] return self._get(_id, attr)
[docs] def find(self, value, attr, ignore_case=False, with_descendants=False): """Find IDs of the regions matching a given attribute. Args: value: attribute value to match attr (str): attribute of interest ignore_case (bool): ignore case (when comparing strings) with_descendants (bool): collect region IDs downwards the "lineage" If `value` starts with '@' symbol, `value[1:]` is used a regular expression. Any substring matching the regular expression would be matched; please used '^' and '$' for "starts with" or "ends with" restrictions. Regular expressions can be used together with `ignore_case`. Returns: - if `with_descendants=False`: set of IDs of the regions matching the attribute - otherwise: set of region IDs matching the attribute + all their children recursively Example: >>> rmap.find("@layer 1", attr='name', ignore_case=True, with_descendants=True) set([1, 2, 4, 5]) """ matcher = Matcher(value, ignore_case=ignore_case) result = set() for _id in self._data: if matcher(self._get(_id, attr)): if with_descendants: result.update(self._descendants(_id)) else: result.add(_id) return result
[docs] def is_leaf_id(self, _id): """Indicate whether or not the input identifier is a leaf of the hierarchy tree. A leaf identifier is the identifier of a region with no children. Args: _id(int): region identifier, i.e., an 'id' value in hierarchy.json. Returns: True, if is a leaf, False otherwise. Raises: VoxcellError if the identifier cannot be found. Example: >>> rmap.is_leaf_id(399) True >>> rmap.is_leaf_id(-10) VoxcellError: Region ID not found: -10 """ if _id not in self._data: raise VoxcellError(f"Region ID not found: {_id}") return not self._children[_id]
[docs] def as_dataframe(self): """Converts a region_map to a dataframe. Returns: pd.DataFrame with an index of the id of the node, and columns based on the data within the map, and a parent_id Note: the 'root' node should have a parent value of -1 """ ret = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(self._data, orient='index').set_index('id') parents = {k: v if v is not None else -1 for k, v in self._parent.items()} ret.loc[:, 'parent_id'] = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(parents, orient='index') ret.loc[:, 'children_count'] = [len(self._children[_id]) for _id in ret.index.to_list()] return ret
[docs] @classmethod def from_dataframe(cls, hierarchy_df): """Converts a DataFrame to a region_map. Note: the 'root' node should have a parent value of -1. Note: if it is possible to cast all non-null values of a column with float dtype to int, then it will be done. """ return cls.from_dict(_dataframe_to_dict(hierarchy_df))
def _get(self, _id, attr): """Fetch attribute value for a given region ID.""" if _id not in self._data: raise VoxcellError(f"Region ID not found: {_id}") node = self._data[_id] if attr not in node: raise VoxcellError(f"Attribute not found: '{attr}' [region ID = {_id}]") return node[attr] def _ascendants(self, _id): """List of ascendants for a given region ID (itself included; sorted "upwards").""" x = _id result = [] while x is not None: result.append(x) x = self._parent[x] return result def _descendants(self, _id): """Set of descendants for a given region ID (itself included).""" result = set([_id]) for c in self._children[_id]: result.update(self._descendants(c)) return result
[docs] @classmethod def from_dict(cls, d): """Construct RegionMap from a hierarchical dictionary.""" def include(data, parent_id): # pylint: disable=protected-access,missing-docstring _id = data['id'] if _id in result._data: raise VoxcellError(f"Duplicate id: {_id}") children = data.pop('children', []) result._data[_id] = data result._parent[_id] = parent_id result._children[_id] = [c['id'] for c in children] for c in children: include(c, _id) result = cls() include(copy.deepcopy(d), None) return result
[docs] def as_dict(self): """Converts a region_map to a dict.""" root_idx = None for k, v in self._parent.items(): if v is None: root_idx = k break def create_node(key): return copy.deepcopy(self._data[key]) def add_children(data, key): data["children"] = [] for i in self._children[key]: new_node = create_node(i) add_children(new_node, i) data["children"].append(new_node) res = create_node(root_idx) add_children(res, root_idx) return res
[docs] @classmethod def load_json(cls, filepath): """Construct RegionMap from JSON file. Note: If top-most object contains 'msg' field, Allen Brain Institute JSON layout is assumed. """ with open(filepath, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f: content = json.load(f) if 'msg' in content: if len(content['msg']) > 1: raise VoxcellError("Unexpected JSON layout (more than one 'msg' child)") content = content['msg'][0] return cls.from_dict(content)
def _dataframe_to_dict(hierarchy_df): """Use a dataframe to create a dict that can then be used by RegionMap.from_dict().""" nodes = hierarchy_df.to_dict(orient="index") float_cols = hierarchy_df.dtypes.loc[hierarchy_df.dtypes == float].index.to_list() dropna_float_cols = { float_col: hierarchy_df[float_col].dropna() for float_col in float_cols } float_int_cols = { float_col for float_col, col in dropna_float_cols.items() if (col.astype(int) == col).all() } root_idx = None for k, v in nodes.items(): v["id"] = k v.pop("children_count", None) parent_id = v.pop("parent_id", None) for float_col in float_cols: if float_col in v: if np.isnan(v[float_col]): v[float_col] = None elif float_col in float_int_cols: v[float_col] = int(v[float_col]) if parent_id == -1: if root_idx is not None: msg = ( f"Only one node can be the root node with parent_id == -1 but the node " f"{root_idx} was already defined as root" ) raise RuntimeError(msg) root_idx = k if "children" not in v: v["children"] = [] continue parent_node = nodes[parent_id] if "children" not in parent_node: parent_node["children"] = [] parent_node["children"].append(v) # Here the root element is extracted since each element is referenced at both the root of # the dict and in the children of another element return nodes[root_idx]