Source code for voxcell.voxel_data

"""Access to volumetric data."""
from functools import reduce

import nrrd
import numpy as np
from numpy.testing import assert_array_equal

from voxcell import math_utils
from voxcell.exceptions import VoxcellError
from voxcell.quaternion import quaternions_to_matrices

def _pivot_axes(a, k):
    """Move `k` first dimensions of `a` to the end, preserving their order.

    I.e., _pivot_axes(A x B x C x D x E, 2) -> C x D x E x A x B
    n = len(a.shape)
    assert 0 <= k <= n
    return np.moveaxis(a, np.arange(k), np.arange(n - k, n))

[docs] class VoxelData: """Wrap volumetric data and some basic metadata.""" OUT_OF_BOUNDS = -1 def __init__(self, raw, voxel_dimensions, offset=None): """Note that he units for the metadata will depend on the atlas being used. Args: raw(numpy.ndarray): actual voxel values voxel_dimensions(tuple of numbers): size of each voxel in space. offset(tuple of numbers): offset from an external atlas origin """ voxel_dimensions = np.array(voxel_dimensions, dtype=np.float32) if len(voxel_dimensions.shape) > 1: raise VoxcellError( f"voxel_dimensions should be a 1-d array (got: {len(voxel_dimensions.shape)})") self.voxel_dimensions = voxel_dimensions if offset is None: self.offset = np.zeros(self.ndim, dtype=np.float32) else: offset = np.array(offset, dtype=np.float32) if offset.shape != (self.ndim,): raise VoxcellError( f"'offset' shape should be: {(self.ndim,)} (got: {offset.shape})") self.offset = offset if len(raw.shape) < self.ndim: raise VoxcellError( f"'raw' should have at least {self.ndim} dimensions (got: {len(raw.shape)})") self.raw = raw @property def voxel_volume(self): """Voxel volume.""" return abs( @property def ndim(self): """Number of dimensions.""" return len(self.voxel_dimensions) @property def shape(self): """Number of voxels in each dimension.""" return self.raw.shape[:self.ndim] @property def payload_shape(self): """Shape of the data stored per voxel.""" return self.raw.shape[self.ndim:] @property def bbox(self): """Bounding box.""" return np.array([self.offset, self.offset + self.voxel_dimensions * self.shape])
[docs] @classmethod def load_nrrd(cls, nrrd_path): """Read volumetric data from a nrrd file. Args: nrrd_path (str|pathlib.Path): path to the nrrd file. """ data, header = # According to, # 'space directions' could use 'none' for "payload" axes. # As we need space directions only for "space" axes, we rely on either # 'space dimension' or 'space' header to slice them out. # NB: only a subset of possible 'space' values is supported at the moment. if 'space dimension' in header: ndim = header['space dimension'] elif 'space' in header: ndim = { 'right-anterior-superior': 3, 'RAS': 3, 'left-anterior-superior': 3, 'LAS': 3, 'left-posterior-superior': 3, 'LPS': 3, 'posterior-inferior-right': 3, 'PIR': 3, }[header['space']] else: ndim = 0 # use all 'space directions' if 'space directions' in header: directions = np.array(header['space directions'][-ndim:], dtype=np.float32) if not math_utils.is_diagonal(directions): raise NotImplementedError("Only diagonal space directions supported at the moment") spacings = directions.diagonal() elif 'spacings' in header: spacings = np.array(header['spacings'][-ndim:], dtype=np.float32) else: raise VoxcellError("spacings not defined in nrrd") offset = None if 'space origin' in header: offset = np.array(header['space origin'], dtype=np.float32) # In NRRD 'payload' axes go first, move them to the end raw = _pivot_axes(data, len(data.shape) - len(spacings)) return cls(raw, spacings, offset)
[docs] def save_nrrd(self, nrrd_path, encoding=None): """Save a VoxelData to an nrrd file. Args: nrrd_path(string|pathlib.Path): full path to nrrd file encoding(string): encoding option to save as """ # from space_directions = np.diag(self.voxel_dimensions) dim_defect = len(self.raw.shape) - self.ndim if dim_defect > 0: # The nrrd specifications require that # we prepend a None for each of the extra axes # before specifying the volume 3D axes. # For instance, a volume of orientations (3D direction vectors or quaternions) # or of RGB colors (3D int vectors) requires an initial None value. space_directions = [None] * dim_defect + list(space_directions) header = { 'space dimension': self.ndim, 'space directions': space_directions, 'space origin': self.offset, } # Case of an N-dimensional vector field over a volume if dim_defect == 1 and np.issubdtype(self.raw.dtype, np.number): # Required by ITK-SNAP ( and 3D Slicer # ( to render 3D-vector fields using a RGB field. # Note that ITK-SNAP raises a "Failed to load segmentation error" but lets you watch # the volumetric data. header['kinds'] = ['vector', 'domain', 'domain', 'domain'] if encoding is not None: header['encoding'] = encoding # In NRRD 'payload' axes should go first, move them to the beginning nrrd_data = _pivot_axes(self.raw, self.ndim) nrrd.write(str(nrrd_path), nrrd_data, header=header)
[docs] def lookup(self, positions, outer_value=None): """Find the values in raw corresponding to the given positions. Args: positions: list of positions (x, y, z). outer_value: value to be returned for positions outside the atlas space. If `None`, a VoxcellError is raised in that case. Returns: Numpy array with the values of the voxels corresponding to each position. """ voxel_idx = self.positions_to_indices(positions, strict=outer_value is None) outer_mask = np.any(voxel_idx == VoxelData.OUT_OF_BOUNDS, axis=-1) if np.any(outer_mask): result = np.full( voxel_idx.shape[:-1] + self.payload_shape, outer_value, dtype=self.raw.dtype ) inner_mask = np.logical_not(outer_mask) # pylint: disable=assignment-from-no-return result[inner_mask] = self._lookup_by_indices(voxel_idx[inner_mask]) else: result = self._lookup_by_indices(voxel_idx) return result
def _lookup_by_indices(self, voxel_idx): """Values for the given voxels.""" voxel_idx_tuple = tuple(voxel_idx.transpose()) return self.raw[voxel_idx_tuple]
[docs] def positions_to_indices(self, positions, strict=True, keep_fraction=False): """Take positions, and the index of the voxel to which they belong. Args: positions(np.array of Nx3): positions in voxel volume strict(bool): raise VoxcellError if any of the positions are out of bounds keep_fraction(bool): keep the fractional portion of the positions Returns: np.array(Nx3) with the voxels coordinates corresponding to each position. """ result = (positions - self.offset) / self.voxel_dimensions result[np.abs(result) < 1e-7] = 0. # suppress rounding errors around 0 if not keep_fraction: result = np.floor(result).astype(int) result[result < 0] = VoxelData.OUT_OF_BOUNDS result[(result >= self.shape) & (positions >= self.bbox[1])] = VoxelData.OUT_OF_BOUNDS if not keep_fraction: result = np.clip(result, a_min=None, a_max=np.array(self.shape) - 1) else: result = np.clip(result, a_min=None, a_max=np.nextafter(self.shape, -1)) if strict and np.any(result == VoxelData.OUT_OF_BOUNDS): raise VoxcellError("Out of bounds position") return result
[docs] def indices_to_positions(self, indices): """Return positions within given voxels. Use fractional indices to obtain positions within voxels (for example, index (0.5, 0.5) would give the center of voxel (0, 0)). """ return indices * self.voxel_dimensions + self.offset
[docs] def count(self, values): """Number of voxels with value from the given list. `values` could be a single value or an iterable. """ if isinstance(values, set): # numpy.in1d expects an array-like object as second parameter values = list(values) return np.count_nonzero(np.in1d(self.raw, values))
[docs] def volume(self, values): """Total volume of voxels with value from the given list. `values` could be a single value or an iterable. """ return self.count(values) * self.voxel_volume
[docs] def clip(self, bbox, na_value=0, inplace=False): """Assign `na_value` to voxels outside of axis-aligned bounding box. Args: bbox: bounding box in real-world coordinates na_value: value to use for voxels outside of bbox inplace(bool): modify data inplace Returns: None if `inplace` is True, new VoxelData otherwise """ bbox = np.array(bbox) if bbox.shape != (2, self.ndim): raise VoxcellError(f"Invalid bbox shape: {bbox.shape}") aabb = ((bbox - self.offset) / self.voxel_dimensions).astype(int) # ensure clipped volume is inside bbox aa, bb = np.clip(aabb, np.full(self.ndim, -1), self.shape) aa += 1 bb -= 1 if np.any(aa > bb): raise VoxcellError("Empty slice") indices = tuple(range(a, b + 1) for a, b in zip(aa, bb)) if inplace: mask = np.full_like(self.raw, False, dtype=bool) mask[indices] = True self.raw[np.logical_not(mask)] = na_value return None raw = np.full_like(self.raw, na_value) raw[indices] = self.raw[indices] return VoxelData(raw, self.voxel_dimensions, self.offset)
[docs] def filter(self, predicate, inplace=False): """Set values for voxel positions not satisfying `predicate` to zero. Args: predicate: N x k [float] -> N x 1 [bool] inplace(bool): modify data inplace Returns: None if `inplace` is True, new VoxelData otherwise """ ijk = np.stack(np.mgrid[[slice(0, d) for d in self.shape]], axis=-1) xyz = self.indices_to_positions(0.5 + ijk) mask = predicate(xyz.reshape(-1, self.ndim)).reshape(self.shape) if inplace: self.raw[np.invert(mask)] = 0 return None raw = np.zeros_like(self.raw) raw[mask] = self.raw[mask] return VoxelData(raw, self.voxel_dimensions, self.offset)
[docs] def compact(self, na_values=(0,), inplace=False): """Reduce size of raw data by clipping N/A values. Args: na_values(tuple): values to clip inplace(bool): modify data inplace Returns: None if `inplace` is True, new VoxelData otherwise """ mask = np.logical_not( # pylint: disable=assignment-from-no-return math_utils.isin(self.raw, na_values) ) aabb = math_utils.minimum_aabb(mask) raw = math_utils.clip(self.raw, aabb) offset = self.indices_to_positions(aabb[0]) if inplace: self.raw = raw self.offset = offset return None return VoxelData(raw, self.voxel_dimensions, offset)
[docs] def with_data(self, raw): """Return VoxelData of the same shape with different data.""" return VoxelData(raw, self.voxel_dimensions, self.offset)
[docs] @staticmethod def reduce(function, iterable): """Return a VoxelData by reducing the raw contents of the VoxelData objects in iterable. Note: if iterable contains only one item, a copy is returned (but function is not applied) Args: function (Callable[[np.array, np.array], np.array]): the function to be applied to numpy arrays iterable (Sequence[VoxelData]): a sequence of VoxelData objects """ iterable = list(iterable) if not iterable: raise TypeError('Attempting to reduce an empty sequence') for element in iterable: assert isinstance(element, VoxelData) assert_array_equal(element.voxel_dimensions, iterable[0].voxel_dimensions) assert_array_equal(element.offset, iterable[0].offset) return iterable[0].with_data(reduce(function, (x.raw for x in iterable)))
[docs] class OrientationField(VoxelData): """Volumetric data with rotation per voxel. See Also: Orientation Field File Format in the documentation """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): """Init OrientationField.""" super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) if self.raw.dtype not in (np.int8, np.float32, np.float64): raise VoxcellError(f"Invalid volumetric data dtype: {self.raw.dtype}") if self.payload_shape != (4,): raise VoxcellError("Volumetric data should store (x, y, z, w) tuple per voxel") # pylint: disable=arguments-differ
[docs] def lookup(self, positions): """Orientations corresponding to the given positions. Args: positions: list of positions (x, y, z). Returns: Numpy array with the rotation matrices corresponding to each position. """ result = super().lookup(positions, outer_value=None) # normalize int8 data if result.dtype == np.int8: result = result / 127.0 # change quaternion component order: (w, x, y, z) -> (x, y, z, w) result = np.roll(result, -1, axis=-1) return quaternions_to_matrices(result)
[docs] class ROIMask(VoxelData): """Volumetric data defining 0/1 mask. See Also: Mask Image for Region of Interest (ROI) in the documentation """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): """Init ROIMask.""" super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) if self.raw.dtype not in (np.int8, np.uint8, bool): raise VoxcellError(f"Invalid dtype: '{self.raw.dtype}' (expected: '(u)int8')") self.raw = self.raw.astype(bool)
[docs] class ValueToIndexVoxels: """Efficient access to indices of unique values of the values array. Useful for when one has an "annotations volume" or "brain region volume" that has regions indicated by unique values, and these are used to create masks. Often, it's faster to avoid mask creation, and use indices directly Example: # To calculate the cell count based on densities of a certain ID in the brain_regions volume vtiv = ValueToIndexVoxels(brain_regions.raw) density_copy = vtiv.ravel(density.raw.copy()) indices = vtiv.value_to_1d_indices(value=id_) cell_count = np.sum(density_copy[indices]) * voxel_volume) """ def __init__(self, values): """Initialize. Args: values(np.array): volume with each voxel marked with a value; usually to group regions """ self._order = "C" if values.flags["C_CONTIGUOUS"] else "F" self._shape = values.shape values = values.ravel(order=self._order) uniques, counts = np.unique(values, return_counts=True) offsets = np.empty(len(counts) + 1, dtype=np.uint64) offsets[0] = 0 offsets[1:] = np.cumsum(counts) self._offsets = offsets self._indices = np.argsort(values, kind="stable") self._mapping = {v: i for i, v in enumerate(uniques)} self._index_dtype = values.dtype @property def index_size(self): """Return the size of the unique index values.""" return len(self._mapping) @property def index_dtype(self): """Return the dytpe of the index values.""" return self._index_dtype @property def values(self): """Unique values that are found in the original volume.""" return np.fromiter(self._mapping, dtype=self.index_dtype)
[docs] def value_to_1d_indices(self, value): """Return the indices array corresponding to the 'value'. Note: These are 1D indices, so the assumption is they are applied to a volume who has been ValueToIndexVoxels::ravel(volume) """ if value not in self._mapping: return np.array([], dtype=self._indices.dtype) group_index = self._mapping[value] return self._indices[self._offsets[group_index]:self._offsets[group_index + 1]]
[docs] def value_to_indices(self, values): """Return the ND-indices array corresponding to the 'values'. This can be convenient to get the positions of the given values in the VoxelData space: raw = np.array([[11, 12], [21, 22]]) v = VoxelData(raw, voxel_dimensions=(2, 3), offset=np.array([2, 2])) vtiv = ValueToIndexVoxels(v.raw) positions = v.indices_to_positions(vtiv.value_to_indices(11)) Note: The given 'values' can be given as one scalar value or as a list of values. In both case a list of ND-indices will be returned. """ if np.isscalar(values): flat_indices = self.value_to_1d_indices(values) else: flat_indices = np.concatenate( [self.value_to_1d_indices(i) for i in values] ) return np.array( np.unravel_index(flat_indices, self._shape, order=self._order) ).T
[docs] def ravel(self, voxel_data): """Ensure `voxel_data` matches the layout that the 1D indices can be used.""" if voxel_data.shape != self._shape: raise VoxcellError( f"Shape mismatch:\n" f"Index initial shape: {self._shape}\n" f"Argument shape: {voxel_data.shape}" ) return voxel_data.ravel(order=self._order)
[docs] def unravel(self, raveled_voxel_array): """Ensure `raveled_voxel_array` is reshaped with the contiguous order used to be raveled.""" if raveled_voxel_array.size != raise VoxcellError( "Array size mismatch:\n" f"Index initial size: {}\n" f"Argument size: {raveled_voxel_array.size}" ) return raveled_voxel_array.reshape(self._shape, order=self._order)
[docs] def values_to_region_attribute(values, region_map, attr="acronym"): """Convert region ids to the corresponding region attribute. It can be used to convert the values retrieved with `VoxelData.lookup()`. Args: values (np.array): array containing the values to be converted. region_map (RegionMap): instance used to map values to region acronyms. attr (str): attribute name to lookup. Returns: Numpy array with the converted values. Raises: VoxcellError: if the attribute or any region id is not found. See Also: Scalar Image File Format in the documentation """ ids, idx = np.unique(values, return_inverse=True) resolved = np.array([region_map.get(_id, attr=attr) for _id in ids]) return resolved[idx]
[docs] def values_to_hemisphere(values): """Convert integer values 0, 1, 2 to "undefined", "left" and "right" hemisphere labels. It can be used to convert the values retrieved with VoxelData.lookup. Args: values: numpy array containing the values to be converted. Returns: Numpy array with the converted values. Raises: VoxcellError: if any of the values is invalid. See Also: Scalar Image File Format in the documentation """ ids_map = {0: "undefined", 1: "left", 2: "right"} ids, idx = np.unique(values, return_inverse=True) if not set(ids_map).issuperset(ids): raise VoxcellError(f"Invalid values, only {list(ids_map)} are allowed") resolved = np.array([ids_map[_id] for _id in ids]) return resolved[idx]